Stay Safe!

It’s the nature of the real estate business to meet people from all walks of life and enter into what can be very isolated situations. Unfortunately there has been a lot of scary news regarding agents being robbed, attacked or tragically killed, mainly females.  At, we have taken the initiative to set up a self-defense training class for our employees and other agents in the area. There are certain precautions one should always take. Even if you are not a real estate agent some of these safety tips could possibly save your life.

·        Take a self-defense course. As I mentioned before will be hosting a self-defense course for our agents and any agent in the area who is interested.  It will be taught by a local martial arts expert. I have taken a self-defense class in the past and can say with certainty that I felt more empowered afterwards. It’s well worth the time and effort. We all are at risk to some extent as we make our way in this world but we can take steps such as the one’s listed above to protect ourselves and lesson the possibility of becoming a criminal’s next target.

